SCCS Employees
Mr. Adnan Ibrahim Odeh Projects Manager
Saja Mahmoud Awad Accountant
Bayan Marwan Elian Executive secretaryDina Moheeb Abu zant Administrative Assistant
"Al-Majd" Kindergarten Employees
Reema Halaweh Acting Director of the Kindergarten
Suheer " Mohammed Hisham" Fahed Teacher
Naheeda " Mohammed Mahfooz" Afoori Teacher
Taysara Mahdi Fat-hi Fatayer Teacher
"Mabarret Al-khair" Kitchen Employees
Ayman Fayez Abu Ghosh Chef
Ghaleb Abdelrahman Johari Chef Assistant
Employees of the Cultural Center of the Palestinian memory and narrative
Alaa Sari Kharraz IT
Rasha Maher Anabtawi Research assistant
Employees of Food Production Unit
Duaa "Kamal Aldeen" Ordoniya Industrial Engineer
Majd Assi Factor